Saturday, April 22, 2017

A.T. Kearney Alumni Profile

What have you been up to?

I have switched to listening to books on Audible. I also have them on Kindle. I toggle back and forth between them depending on the circumstance. My book reading had dipped a couple of years ago, but thanks to this approach, I have been consuming a book a month ever since.

Describe your life in three bullet points.

Our son is a junior in high school, so he (we) are going through a tremendously engaging year the includes the search for a college

I go for long walks with my dog, Fred

I am engaged in discussion with family and friends all around the world on ideas, events, and people of consequence

What is the first thing you do when you wake up?

I try to get 20 to 25 minutes of exercise in my home gym.

What is your hidden talent?

I write dialogues, essays, travelogues, and poetry.

What books do you highly recommend?

The Second Machine Age by Erik Brynjolfsson and Andrew McAfee

American Lion: Andrew Jackson in the White House by John Meacham

Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman

What are you most passionate about?

Understanding the age we live in. We live in a rapidly transforming world. It is incumbent on us to test our long-held assumptions.

Name three qualities that got you where you are today.

Collaborative attitude

Results oriented

Developing talent through mentoring, coaching, and training

What are you working on now that you’re most excited about?

Two themes: how to help Baby Boomers live better lives in the age of human longevity and how to help Millennials include purpose in how they make investments to make the world a better place

What change would you like to see in your industry?

An understanding of how to incorporate progress in digital technologies and artificial intelligence into the core of our investment management business

What is the best advice you’ve received?

Exercise every day

When you think of A.T. Kearney, what’s the first word that comes to mind? Why?

Collaboration.  A.T. Kearney has a consistently collaborative, open-minded culture that combines deep subject-matter expertise with rigorous data analytics to deliver tangible results for clients across the world.

What makes you most proud about being part of the A.T. Kearney community? Why?

Fantastic professionals, genuinely caring, and friends for life

What impact did A.T. Kearney have on your career?

My tenure at A.T. Kearney gave me the core skills to solve critical problems in unstructured situations and help clients own the problem and the solution. More importantly, I learned how to help clients implement solutions and generate results. That lesson is deeply ingrained in me, and I carry it to this day.

If you did not need to work, how would you spend your time?

I would share ideas and experiences with friends and family around the world and record my thoughts in an ongoing shareable diary of sorts where the dialogue is recorded for later examination and enjoyment.

What would you most like to be remembered for?

That I was a caring person who invested in others—be they family, friends, colleagues, or neighbors

In one sentence, describe your perfect day.

I have learned from a mistake. As Samuel Beckett said, “My mistakes are my life.

April 2017

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